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Why Invest in
Multi-Family ADU,
with Solidon?
What is ADU? (Pg 1)
Safe Investment (Pg 2)
Great Return on Investment (Pg 3)
Steady Rental Income (Pg 4)
Tax Advantage (Pg 5)
Ability to Leverage Funds (Pg 6)
Diversification of Assets (Pg 7)
Trusted Person (Pg 8)
What is ADU?
Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a secondary housing unit on a single residential lot or multi-family lot.
As of today, owners of single family homes are allowed to build one ADU (up to 1,000 sf*) and one junior ADU (up to 500 sf*)
Multifamily Dwellings are allowed at least two detached ADUs.
New State Laws make it easier to build an ADU:
An ADU must be approved by the jurisdiction in 60 days.
No extra parking required if within 1/2 mile of transit.
Cities do not charge development or traffic impact fees for ADU's (but school districts and water districts may impact fees)
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